
An improved approach to learning French

Workshops objectives

    • Offer a framework for intensive French practice


    • Improve expression, pronunciation, spelling, grammar and conjugation skills

    • Inculcate the pleasure of speaking French correctly

    • Raise the level of expression and writing among French-speaking children

    • Develop a taste for writing

Learning content

Expression orale

Se servir de ses lacunes pour lui montrer les bonnes expressions


Lire un paragraphe pour discuter de la compréhension – détecter les nouveaux mots et leur signification


Produire de petits textes de 3 à 10 phrases maxi sur un sujet d’intérêt puis en faire la correction avec les leçons de français à l’appui


Développer la prononciation et l’art oratoire


Children aged 5 to 17
francophone, francophile or bilingual

Program and fees

1ST session


from september 21rst, 2024
to december 14th, 2024
10 sessions

2nd session


from january 11th, 2025
to mars 22nd, 2025
10 sessions

3rd session


from april 5th, 2025
to june 14th, 2025
10 sessions

Or $20 cash per session without prior registration.


Personalized online coaching (option)

Tuesdays and Thursdays
7 pm - 9 pm
2 sessions of 30 min per week

Venue and Time

  • 9h-10h30 (With a break of 15mns)
  • 11h-12h30 (With a break of 15mns)

Formulaire d'inscription

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